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Monday, March 2, 2009

India Rising: Tradition Meets Modernity

We hope you found India Rising: Tradition Meets Modernity both informative and entertaining.

Please use the comment section to share your thoughts on this past weekend's program.


At March 3, 2009 at 10:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought this program was the best in the many years I've attended HW events. It was well-composed, the moderator was terrific and kept things moving well, as well as making a most interesting presentation in her own right. The speakers themselves were engaging and uniformly excellent, although severely restricted in the time allowed. This is something that might be addressed in your future planning, either by trying to limit the scope of the presentations (ie. art history) or expand the time allowed by offering either fewer speakers or a longer day.
It pains me to add that with all due respect to the eminent emeriti professors who have graciously spoken/moderated previous events, this younger crowd handles the media part of the presentations without incident and speaks easily without constantly referring to notes, keeping things moving at a lively pace. It was refreshing.

At March 3, 2009 at 11:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also thought this was an outstanding roster of speakers and a good mix of topics. Vikram Chandra's personal reflections on the seamier side of modern India was particularly fascinating. Raka Ray added real value as the moderator. The musical performances were also excellent.

In these tough economic times, we all need to do more to help Humanities West reach a broader audience. Bring a friend to the next program!!

At March 3, 2009 at 11:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

HW events have always been enjoyable, however, I agree with the earlier comments, India Rising was outstanding. It was an excellent combination of history,music,art and intrigue.
I really enjoyed the commentary describing the role of "Indian Idol" and how the takeoff from American Idol has cut across every cultural norm,equalizing the possibilities for "talented" citizens.
I was visiting from the East Coast and always attempt to coincide my visit with one of the HW program. I have not been disappointed.

Congrats to the team that developed this program...it was one of the best.

Can't wait till the next one.I bet lots of your friends would enjoy it too.

At March 4, 2009 at 3:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was great to have a program at which the attendees were so enthusiastic! The speakers, performers and moderator were all excellent, so they received multiple rounds of applause and a great deal of energy from the audience. As we all know, HW is tough to market, but I sure hope attendees share their enthusiasm with friends and relatives!


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