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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Athens: Saturday Edition

Please use the comments to discuss the Athens program.


At May 4, 2008 at 12:09 PM , Blogger Mike said...

We attended both Friday and Saturday, and loved both. We're very happy with the improvements you've been making, such as: music and running slides as you enter; shortened introductions, keeping to the schedule, etc.

All the speakers were excellent not only in content but also delivery, which was not always true in the past.

The one suggestion we have is to supply a green laser pointer to the speakers; we couldn't really see the red one, and we were in row D! Green pointers are brighter than red.

We noticed that you're doing more community outreach than previously; that's great.

We wonder if the empty seats could be given to local teachers and students in a way that wouldn't cut into regular ticket sales?

Keep up the good work!


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